Friday, 20 May 2011

Final steps of Thesis and the whole MITIM experience

This Monday I handed in the final version of my thesis. I am satisfied with it, but its definitely not a remarkable piece of science. But, considering the amount of hours and effort I put in to it, I think it is fine.

So the paper version of it already left to Russia (with bunch of other documents), while today I printed 2 more copies of it and took them to be bound for LUT. Those should be ready next week on Thursday. 

After that, there is only the matter of thesis defense and 2 graduation parties. Not a lot of left...

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Thesis deadline closing

In less than 2 weeks I should hand in the final version of my thesis. Not much left to do, but absolutely no motivation at all to do the little things required.  As an additional "bonus", I havent heard anything from my supervisors. I got some generic comments from my LUT supervisor during pre-defense but nothing at all from GSOM. With her I have talked 15 minutes about my thesis and thats all....  I will send one more email and ask for comments.

But, at the moment it seems that not a lot of supervisors will be mentioned in the acknowledgements... 

Monday, 2 May 2011

About pre-defense and other stuff

So pre-defense was last week. My presentation was okay I guess. The feedback I got was kinda not saying much or anything that concrete (except to work a bit more on my findings). Now my findings were kind of obvious. But hey, they are kind of obvious so what should I do? Make them outliers and discard them? :D Okay, maybe I should have spent more time back in the day to work on my interview questions but those are really based on the theory and my supervisor gave his blessing to the list and did not recommend any additions or changes.

I got a C from my presentation. A bit disappointed with that, but really wasn't a surprise. Still aiming for B as my final grade.