Saturday 11 September 2010

Accomplishments of sick Saturday

At the moment I am a little bit sick. I woke up today at noon and since then I've felt kinda bad physically and feel like I never woke up mentally. However, since it would be just dumb to waste Saturday I've been torturing myself with some one hour of running (appr. 10 km). Apparently my running technique was so good that it needed to be filmed and broadcasted live. While I was running by the Danube, a camera helicopter really did film my running. Or perhaps some dudes who where driving their bikes like madmen on the roads. Nevertheless, I was in the forefront :D

I've also realized that I eat almost exactly 600 grams of cheese every week. This has happened now for 3 weeks running - I always run out of cheese on Saturday. Hence the visit to Tesco where I always seem to tire extra fast.

I also learned that it is impossible to find an umbrella from a clothing store from a mall. I checked P&B, H&M, Zara and few others but I couldn't find one to save my life. Oh well, then I'll just take the rain and soak.

My daily schedule has also included one lesson of Hungarian. I do understand better and better every day, but still am useless with the language. Hopefully in a few months the situation will be so much better.

At the moment a big part of us exchange students are at lake Balaton for some stupid fresh camp. Of course, I didn't go there since I've kinda seen those events. "Let's get to know each other!!!"-games etc shit, which of course means pointless name learning games, doing some useless tasks and just being forced to "have fun". No thanks. So, instead, I am most likely going to meet with some other exchange students who stayed in Budapest and spend some time with them. I am sure I will get to know more people better like this than by going to the camp.