Sunday, 2 August 2009

Twice a Finn

The passport situation is now solved. I went to police department this Friday and explained my situation to nice police lady out there. She said it was best for me to get another passport, so I have one under way. This means that in a weeks time I have two Finnish passports :) This allows me to leave one passport (my current one) for visa application and use the other one for the Cyprus trip and as an additional ID. I bet the second passport will come handy in Russia. As long as I manage to not lose it :)

Now I am just hoping that the invitation to Russia comes REALLY soon because basically I need to apply for the visa next Wednesday at latest if it takes two weeks to get that. That way I can collect the visa+passport before I leave for "Cultural orientation" event to Lappeenranta, which is on Thursday 20th of this month.