Experiences and thoughts of a Finnish bloke during MITIM program (LUT & GSOM Master's program)
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Management of intellectual capital
Again a new course started: Management of intellectual capital. The first lessons were really interesting and the teacher seems to know his business. Also, he seems to be able to get the attention of students and involve them heavily in the classroom. His style is a bit similar to the one that our Technology management teacher has, but the difference is that this guy seems to make sense. Also, he is definitely nearly as confusing has the TM teacher. But lets see how the next few lessons are like before giving a final verdict. One thing is for sure though - he expects us to read a lot of articles for the classes, something like 3-4 for each class. Combined to the work (and readload) of other classes it seems that we really need to study hard and the days will be long.