The exam was pretty much the kind that I expected - few mini-cases and then 10 smaller questions. We had 2,5 hours to write the exam which was quite generous, especially compared to Technology management... Once again it was open book exam.
Which I can not understand.
These open book exams are in GSOM are totally useless for most part, because a lot of the questions are directly from the slides. So when a question is asked, you just check from the right slide set and write down what you can see. Basically, with good index and all the course material you can cope with all these things without that much preparation.
And because of these stupid questions almost everyone will get exactly the same points from these questions. Which is ridiculous and just leads to situation where most of the people has something like 90 points from 100 and missing two points can mean two grades. Not nice at all.
Well, lets see how are the results. We should get them during next week. Lets hope for good grade.