Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Feeling great!

I came to Lappeenranta on Sunday evening. Spent the first night at my cousins place (Thanks L!) before moving to my new crib. Thanks for the crib Liima! It all happened convieniently since my friend is on exchange during the spring and I needed a place for the same time - so win-win.

Yesterday we had the first day here at Lappeenranta. Welcome speeches, info about Sefe, LTKY and other relevant organizations were given. Unfortunately the situation with our overalls is not clear yet. I WANT TO GET MY YELLOW OVERALLS !!! Then I would have red, blue and the yellow ones :)

In the evening we had a "Finnish evening" at rantasauna. Some good food, games (that actually wasnt that lame as I feared) and of course sauna. Some of the girls were brave enough to come to sauna with the guys. And even to the snow. Well, some of them weren't that enthousiastic of going there but still even the ended up all snowy :D

Today we have had some more info about the practialities of studying in here. Basic and familiar stuff for me, but for new LUT students this can be confuzing. Anyways, they will get used to these systems soon I think.

Overall I am feeling really great. Yesterday reminded me that we really have a great group of people in this program and I can easily see myself collaborating or at least staying in touch with them after we graduate. I am also looking forward to our actual studies, I feel energetic!