Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Impressive levels of motivation

First of all, i must admit that summer is definitely not the best time of the year to study anything. Well, i guess that is clear to everybody. Anyway, at the moment i feel very motivated to study. Hungarian i mean. I bumped in to the blog of this Irish guy who sets very ambitious goals (example of the latest one) when learning languages. The list of languages that he knows already is very impressive and it seems that he has found good ways to study them. I salute to that.

Somehow reading stories like these can really motivate me. After all, the guy seems chipper, positive, down to earth, smart and hard working - many of the qualities that I see in myself too. Well, most of the time :D

So now i am studying very actively Hungarian, mostly vocabulary at the moment. After all, that is the basis to build conversations on. Of course I am trying to learn the grammar too, which really does have some similarities with Finnish. Now it is/would be important to try to actually use the language to lower the barrier of using it. Then maybe when I will land in Hungary in about 3.5 weeks time i am confident enough to start trying to speak it from the first day. Obviously, I will make a lot mistakes and will speak like a retard but thats the way to learn. First you need to learn how to fall before you can learn to walk :) And of course i have the benefit of having SOME relations with Hungarians already. At least they can get good laughs from my weak attempts :D