Monday, 6 September 2010

Introduction week starts

So, today I need to drag my ass to the uni since it's the first day of introduction week. Today they are going to tell about the uni and give some information packages etc. In the evening there is some kind of getting to know each other stuff - i.e. stupid name games, sitting in a ring and singing kumbaya. 

Later this week we'll have a pub crawl when we're gonna go from pub to pub. Also some sightseeing tours have been arranged, however I am not sure whether I'll go since I've already seen the places in January. Well, perhaps I'll go. Then on the weekend is the "biggest and most important event of the semester", some kind of exchange student camp at lake Balaton. I am 90% sure that I wont go there - the memories of St.Petes ice melting saturday are still vivid in my head. Nooooooooo thanks.