Sunday, 24 October 2010

Small snippets from this week

This week in bulletpoints:
- Finally managed to get a reply from my thesis supervisor. Now I just need to write something :D
- I was in Szarvaskö on Saturday. There I visited an eating-festival of sorts :) Ate for example some blood, delicious lángos and drunk some amazing hot wine. But the best part was definitely the deer meat I got home from there. It was sooooooo gooooooood :P
- I've been in Black&White party (everybody dresses in b&/w).  The evening was cool, the next day wasn't...
- I was also at a delicious dinner in some Italian restaurant with approximately 12 other exchange students. Great food and company - no complaints there. Thanks for the invitation :)

What I haven't done this week: I have been neglecting my Hungarian studies too much. I feel bad about that. :( But will make it up, i promise.

Also it seems that I've developed some kind of habit for future oriented thinking-sessions on Sundays. There are just so many ideas flowing in my head (and some in writing) that pull me in several directions, many of them extremely interesting. Now just waiting for thoughts to settle in and that final a-ha -moment.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

I am still alive

...and can not speak any Russian. Today I tried to remember how to say "My name is Joona" in Russian but I just could not remember it. 2 semesters with Russian well spent.... :D

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


So ok, here is the story: yesterday evening, I was tired, went to bed just after midnight. But for whatever reason, I just could not sleep. I was rolling around in bed for 4 hours or so (still checked the clock at 4:03) before falling asleep.

Soon the alarm rang after some 5 hours of sleep which of course was not enough. Despite that, I needed to get to the university.

The obvious consequence from the lack of sleep is that I have been tired the whole day. Kinda in a zombiesque state. Living, but not really.

After coming back home, I went on my usual "I wonder..."-state, where I end up watching videos or reading stuff just to open my mind to new things (ok, that is not the purpose of those, but often it leads to that). Then it hit me. It had nothing to do with what I was reading nor what I had learned during today. 

Suddenly, I knew what will be the core of my professional life from this point forward. I can't believe why I haven't realized this before, because it has been hanging in front of my nose the whole time.

I have found my mission.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Pleaaaase forgive me!

Dear Ms. Blog,

I have been mistreating you lately and I am sorry for that. I know that any amount of explanations will not ease the situation and you have the right to feel hurt because of my ignorance. However, I want to shed a little light about the happenings of last few weeks to you. Perhaps you will then find it easier to forgive me.

About two weeks ago I welcomed 3 of my MITIM-colleaques from Finland for a 5 day visit. I had lots of fun with them. We saw many of the cool places here in Budapest, such as Gellert hill, Szechenyi spa, Terror háza, Szimpla and so on. Going around the city for many days left me of course exhausted and trailing in my studies. I managed to catch on during the weekend and last week I have been again kinda busy with the schoolwork - we have had group meetings with the guys during the last 3 days and we've spent a lot of time on our presentation and case. Luckily, those are now ready and just need to be printed and delivered.

Besides the school work, my time has been spent on studying Hungarian by myself. I am making progress, but not quickly enough. I need to put more effort in producing text and especially SPEAKING. It will be Tarzan-language, but that step just needs to be taken.

Forgetting the schoolwork and other stuff like that, I have been just enjoying life here in Budapest. I really like this city and feel great in here. I am really happy. Of course, because I am a sort of evil mastermind, I have come up with some more ideas/things for the future to gain world domination. Perhaps I'll tell you more about those later.

To conclude, I am sorry that I have been ignoring you dear Ms. Blog. I will do my best not to abandon you in the future for long time periods. I hope you can forgive me.

With love,