- Finally managed to get a reply from my thesis supervisor. Now I just need to write something :D
- I was in Szarvaskö on Saturday. There I visited an eating-festival of sorts :) Ate for example some blood, delicious lángos and drunk some amazing hot wine. But the best part was definitely the deer meat I got home from there. It was sooooooo gooooooood :P
- I've been in Black&White party (everybody dresses in b&/w). The evening was cool, the next day wasn't...
- I was also at a delicious dinner in some Italian restaurant with approximately 12 other exchange students. Great food and company - no complaints there. Thanks for the invitation :)
What I haven't done this week: I have been neglecting my Hungarian studies too much. I feel bad about that. :( But will make it up, i promise.
Also it seems that I've developed some kind of habit for future oriented thinking-sessions on Sundays. There are just so many ideas flowing in my head (and some in writing) that pull me in several directions, many of them extremely interesting. Now just waiting for thoughts to settle in and that final a-ha -moment.