My time in lovely Budapest is over. Well, for this set. I am sure I will go back there. For the last 1.5 weeks I've been living at my home in Joensuu. It is kind of weird to be back living with my parents, since I haven't been doing this a lot in last 8 years or so. However, most likely I will move out here if I get a decent flat from Lappeenranta.
The main reason for going there would be to spend some time with the mitim-people. I don't see any thesis-related benefits at all if I do go there. The sad thing is that already this semester and especially after it, the roads of us mitim '11 students will go separate ways and we will spread around the world. So, spending time with some of the co-students would be cool - afterwards it will be harder and will most likely always require organizing. Bleoooh.
On a positive note, we will meet already this week since we have a thesis seminar at LUT on Friday. All of us needed to send the current copies of our thesises to our supervisors who should be at the seminar to give us some comments about them. I haven't worked on mine since the submission and do not intend to do so. A little break from that project is needed. But, starting next week its on again. At the moment I have approximately 30 written pages, all theory. Really should not be too much of a problem to get this project done before May.
Anyways, can't wait to meet other mitim people. Few more days to go.