Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Thesis evaluation

Today we got the final grades of our thesis also from LUT. Here are my results from GSOM and LUT:
  • GSOM: 4/B (Best would have been 5/A. These are different numbers, other is Russian, other international. So from both I got the second best)
  • LUT: Magna cum laude abbrobatur (3rd best out of 7 grades, basically an 8 in the scale of 4-10)
I am happy with both of those grades, especially since I really didn't spend THAT much time on the thesis. Basically this level was my goal and I achieved it. No complaints. :)

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Last time i sit between these two in a seminar/classroom

I had my thesis defense yesterday. It went well overall and i am pleased with it especially considering my levels of tiredness during the whole day. Most of us LUT MITIM people have already presented, only 3 more presentations before we are all done and will hear our final results.

Currently I am sitting between Shot and Seb and just realized that this really is the last time when we are sitting in the same seminar/classroom together side by side. But definitely not the last time we will be in the same place at the same time together. Guaranteed.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Oh yeah, also got feedback about my thesis

..but not from my own supervisors, but another professor from GSOM. Still haven't heard anything from my LUT supervisor - will be interesting to hear what he has to say...

Anyways, I didn't quite understand how my work was graded, as on the scale from 2-5, I had on most criteria 2 of the grades bolded (no other way of separating the result). Also, didn't get any kind of recommendation for final grade (except "deserves a good grade" which would mean 4), which would have been nice to see.

Tomorrow I will be a bit smarter regarding the grade.

And I will also be tired since I decided to sleep one more night in Joensuu before heading to Lappeenranta. My train leaves after 6 o'clock in the morning.. Will be fun. But it just was easier solution to do like this.

All ready for public defense

I just finished my slides for the public defense. I am not completely sure about the balance of the presentation - i had to cut the individual case analyzes in order to have enough time for the other stuff. Not perfectly pleased about that, but i guess it will be fine.

I uses mainly my slides from the pre-defense, but made some changes in the order and content of them. Also added a bit of eye candy. :)

Tomorrow I will be done with the whole stuff. That's a relief.

After that: focusing on making money.