Sunday, 1 November 2009


Yesterday I was in Halloween party for a first time. I went there as a corporate asshole (Halloween suit-up!). A bit lame costume, but hey, Halloween is quite lame happening to me :D The first part of the evening was spent at one of the exchange students apartment nearby our dorm before we headed to center. When we got there, I didn't actually feel like going clubbing so instead chose a more peaceful option of just going to this chilling bar with a friend before coming back to dormitory. Another fun evening in here.

Note to myself: If needing a costume for next Halloween or whenever go as an emo-kid (great idea from "Rudfia" :)), a doctor (for the nurses :D) or then just keep suiting-up (because that is cool ).

Today in schedule: Russian studies and reading a couple of articles for tomorrows class.