Thursday, 19 November 2009

Mmmkay, this is going to be ugly

Disclaimer: this is going to be a rant. If you are not interested in reading negative post, then don't read it.

Then to the issue itself. I am now sitting in a research seminar. The idea of this would be to think about our thesis's or dissertations. Which are due in about 1.5 years and should be started maybe one year after today. One year. And still we are here in the classroom listening to these presentations about whatever. Okay, that's not that bad. But the thing that this guy is expecting us to write some kind of research proposals soon for our dissertations....


...and its very nearly impossible to know them at this point. So what is the point of doing some research proposals when you know they don't have any value for anyone? I have no idea.

But that's not all. The teacher is expecting us to write a blog about our thesis's, start using Google calendar with all the milestones and as a cherry on the top of all this make a 5 minute YouTube video about our thesis proposal! Hahaha.

Video. About thesis proposal.

How is that going to help me with my thesis? How is that going to make me write or finish the work with better results? How will all that bring extra value for my research?

The thing is: it doesn't. All it does is to help me waste my time doing some stuff that does not make any sense, does not help in any way and does not bring any value to anyone.

I mean. I have already written one master's thesis and I know what the process is like. I know what are the parties that are interested in the research (yourself, university, company), what helps in the process and what does not. And frankly, none of this bs what we are doing now does not matter at all.