Sunday, 29 November 2009

Preparation for technology management exam

We have an exam on technology management tomorrow morning. So today, I have been mainly focusing on preparing for that. I've read all the slides and made mind maps, also done the practice exercises to the exam with friends and learned the answers.

Since it is an open book exam (you can bring books and laptop with you to the exam) I have been making sure that I know where to quickly find the relevant information during the exam. Since time might be an issue - we have 60 minutes and the exam has 20 exercises! And those are not such small ones either, quite often during the in-class assignments we had to draw mind maps, flowcharts, GANTT charts etc. Those kind of exercises are awaited also in tomorrow exam.

So far I have 37/40 points, maximum number of the course is 100. Not a bad place to go to exam.